Support our mission and your neighbors by organizing a food and fund drive.

Team up with your colleagues, co-workers,
school, place of worship, family, friends, book club —
the possibilities are endless.
Your food donations will go directly to CAPI’s food shelf to support those in need. Donations from your drive can be dropped off from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday at our location in Brooklyn Center. There is no need to make an appointment. Simply park in front of the food shelf and a staff member or volunteer will greet you at the door to collect items right from your vehicle.
Monetary donations can be made online or checks can be mailed or dropped off to our Brooklyn Center location with the name of your organization or food/fund drive sponsor in the memo.
Please check the expiration dates on the items being dropped off.
The CAPI food shelf will not distribute items 6 months past the expiration date.